Tuesday, December 21, 2010


on Christmas eve eve
the Army man's bell rang
"salvation -- salvation
feed the poor--clothe the needy"
the kettle was near empty
poor and needy the passers by

on Christmas eve eve
a bad man stood in shadow
wrapped against the wind and
the blowing gritty snow
he eyed the meager kettle
and waited for his chance

on Christmas eve eve
the Soldier fell with broken head
the bell dropped and rolled
into the gutter falling silent
kettle tipped spilling coin
as wind captured the bills

the bell song now is trapped in rust
our salvation falls to broken trust


  1. Sad concept, yet I feel the unfortunate reality of our world wrapped in your words. The good news, I pass a Salvation Army person daily, and will empty my pockets today. Cheers, Dave

  2. Wow, this is really good. You show the hopelessness and desperation really well.

  3. Sad poem. Vivid and easily pictured. The duplication of eve is creates an interesting effect too. Nice work!

  4. so moving. so much to thank for in life as we get to live it and share moments with love ones

  5. a very sad but only too real poem...very well written also...cheers pete


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